Prof. Dr.
Yurdanur KILIÇ

He was born in Sigma Town of Denizli in June 1951. He completed his primary education at Sığma Town Primary School, secondary education at Sarayköy Secondary School and Ankara Yenimahalle Mustafa Kemal High School.

Graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1975, Prof. Dr. Yurdanur Kılınç completed her Child Health and Diseases Specialization, Pediatric Hematology and Pediatric Oncology Minor Specialization training at Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine. He received the title of "Assistant Professor" in 1983.

Professor at Medical College of Georgia, USA, between November 1984 - November 1985. Dr. He worked in the hemoglobin laboratory for one year as an "international research fellow" alongside Titus Huisman.

He received the title of "Associate Professor of Child Health and Diseases" in 1985, and was promoted to "Professor" in 1992.

He served as the Head of the Pediatric Hematology Department between 1992-2018, and the Head of the Department of Child Health and Diseases between 2016-2018. He was the Head of the Hemopetic System Course Board between 1992-2019. Dr. Yurdanur Kılınç served as the Vice President of the Pre-Graduation Medical Education Coordinators Board and the Head of the Post-Graduation Education Board for one term each.

prof. Dr. Kilinc has 173 scientific publications. 79 of them were published in international refereed journals in English, 94 in national refereed journals in English and 64 in Turkish.

He has a total of 162 scientific papers, 69 of which are international and 93 national, in Turkish. He has directed 28 theses, of which 4 are minor specialization thesis, 5 are master/PhD thesis, and 19 are specialization thesis in medicine. He has completed 29 international clinical studies as a responsible investigator. As of June 2019, the number of citations to his publications is 1816.

His areas of interest are anemias (especially thalassemias and sickle cell anemia), bone marrow failures and hemostasis/bleeding disorders. Between 1992 and 2019, she provided clinical counseling to the prenatal diagnosis group in hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias.

Professor of SANKO University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child Health and Diseases. Dr. Kılınç started accepting patients as a Pediatric Hematology and Pediatric Oncology Specialist in the Pediatric Health and Diseases Outpatient Clinic at SANKO University Hospital.

His field of study is especially pediatric blood diseases group. He is responsible for the diagnosis, examination, treatment and follow-up of benign and malignant hematological diseases.

Turkish Medical Association, Turkish National Pediatric Association, Turkish Hematology Association, Turkish Pediatric Hematology Association, Thrombosis, Hemostasis and Angiology Association, Çukurova Pediatric Blood Diseases Association, European Pediatric Hematology-Immunology Association (ESPHI), New York Academy of Sciences, American Society of Hematology (ASH), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), European Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), International Society of Hematology (ISH). He is fluent in English.

prof. Dr. Kılınç is the Head of the Department of Child Health and Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, SANKO University.


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